Apps & Books

RIPA:  3D Rules of the Road

Collisions and collisions are always dangerous. Prevention, through strict compliance with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, is the best way to avoid them. Aimed at learning and practicing about the Regulations at sea, the app is divided into three main sections (Learning, Test and Simulation) so that you can have an immersive experience in a navigation environment, read, train and test all your knowledge in a didactic and fun way.

Learn in an easy and fun way everything related to RIPA.

Available for iPad and Android, you can purchase the app in the following stores:


My Nautical School

It is an app oriented to training centers and nautical schools that allows to offer excellent quality tools to students to reinforce the contents of nautical courses. The app is customized with the branding (brand/logo) and displays information about the institution to build student loyalty, offering quality content and state-of-the-art learning tools.

Students will be able to practice from anywhere and at any time contents of:

  • Rules of the Road (RIPA – Rules of the Road)
  • Lights (RIPA – Light signals)
  • Beeps (RIPA – Sound Signals)
  • Radio (VHF / GMDSS)

The modules contained in My Nautical School are great support tools for instructors because they allow students to deepen the knowledge given in a didactic and entertaining way.

Available for iPad and Android, the app can be downloaded from the following stores:


NavLights Quiz

When night falls the sea is a completely different world, which is why vessels operating from sunset to sunrise, whether at anchor or underway, must carry and display the correct lights.

Learn to identify the different types of vessels and their location at night with NavLights Quiz: the new application with excellent theoretical content and illustrations that will test your knowledge with a trivia quiz of more than 200 questions.

Boating safety depends on you: Learn in an easy and fun way!

Available for iPad and Android you can purchase the app in the stores:


Pitadas RIPA

One of the most complex issues for the navigator lies in navigating in places with high traffic, next to vessels of different types, of different lengths, carrying out different activities (fishing, towing, dredging), etc. During the day, at night or with reduced visibility, various acoustic and light signals are used to identify the type of vessel, its activity/situation or the maneuvers to be performed.

Acoustic devices are installed on vessels in order to alert other vessels of their presence, inform maneuvering intentions, direction of travel and certain special features so that, based on a correct identification of the vessel, they can be used to identify the type of vessel, its activity/situation or the maneuvers it is about to perform.

Learn everything related to RIPA whistles in an easy and fun way.

Available for iPad and Android, you can purchase the app in the following stores: